Tirsdag 14. januar klokken 18:45 - 20:45
Discussion will start around 19:00. Please don't arrive later than this.
Oslo Badstuforening, Sukkerbiten (Skarven) • Oslo Badstuforening, Sukkerbiten, 0150 Oslo, Oslo, Norge
We come together as one, to sweat and chat about one of my favourite topics: Non-Duality.
My intention for these events is to gather a bunch of excellent people and to consciously bridge the gap between science and spirituality, between subjectivity and objectivity, between physics and metaphysics, between hot and cold.
Relevant sub-topics or flavours to discuss are Tantra, Advaita Vedanta, gnosticism, psychedelics, panpsychism, shamanism etc.
A sober event!
Maximum 12 participants.
Remember to bring a towel (or preferably two), and a bottle of water.
Swimwear is optional in the sauna, but we are asked to cover ourselves when walking outside.
Oslo Badstuforening, Sukkerbiten (Skarven) • Oslo Badstuforening, Sukkerbiten, 0150 Oslo, Oslo, Norge