Sacred Sunset Full Moon Cacao Dance and Sound Bath

Torsdag 23. mai klokken 17:30 - 21:30

Doors open at 17:00. There will be time for mingling and eating after.

Grefsenkollen utsikt • Grefsenkollveien 23, Oslo, Norge

Online billettsalg er avsluttet.

Dear beautiful soul,
We are excited to flow together with you in a sacred space where we all share our magical gifts, our delicious moves and our unique vibrations into the sunset.

The evening includes a Cacao Ceremony with intention sharing, an ecstatic dance with a selection of both groovy, sacred, hot and chill music,
a gong sound bath for integration, and a sharing circle where we can land together.

The Sunset Cacao Dance and Sound Bath will be held on Grefsenkollen, with a spectacular view of Oslo and of the evening sun.

Tasty vegetable soup and homemade bread will be served.

A drinking bottle,
Comfortable dancing clothes,
A yoga mat and a blanket,
An item for the altar if you feel called for this

No refunds, but tickets can be re-sold or gifted 💞

Facebook event:

Grefsenkollen utsikt • Grefsenkollveien 23, Oslo, Norge

Google Map of Grefsenkollveien 23, Oslo, Norge

Robert Hagala