OPPSTARTSKURS på Keramikkversted med dreieing- 6 kvelder

Onsdag 19. oktober klokken 18:00 - Onsdag 23. november 2022 klokken 21:00

Kurset går over 6 kveld..18:00 - 21:00

Onsdager uke 42-47:- 18.00-21.00
19,26, Okt. 2,9,16,23 Nov

Kroloftet • Arnljot Gellines vei 41, Oslo, Norge

Beklager, alle billettene er utsolgt.

Kroloftet's 6 Week ceramic course will introduce you to a large range of unique making styles with ceramics. This course is a small class of max. 6; an introduction to hand-building and wheel throwing techniques, a way for you to find your clay passion. Enjoy a smaller class with more one – on – one time with your teacher.

Over the 6 week course, you will learn not only basic hand-building and wheel throwing techniques, but ceramic and glaze safety, and about the process of recycling & firing. This course will give you the skills to continue your own practice outside of a class and become a member of Kroloftet

Below is the outline of the course, however content will be flexible and subject to adjustment by the teacher.

Week 1, Introduction to hand-building: Pinch Pots

– Introduction to making with clay including work health and safety induction,

– Introduction to the process of ceramics

Week 2, Introduction to Coiling and Slab Building

Week 3, Introduction to wheel throwing

– Introduction to wheel throwing basics

Week 4, Introduction to trimming

Week 5, Introduction to surface decoration and continue working on pieces

– Work on pieces and continue techniques learned.

– introducing surface decoration and textures, slip and underglazing.

Week 6, Glazing

– Works will be bisqued and ready to glaze

– introduction to glazing and firings

4000.00 kr (inkludere alle materialer og brenning)


Kurset passer for deg som her kunnskap i keramikk prosess og som ønsker å bruke keramikkverksted. Men det passer også for nybegynnere for å få innføring i de forskjellige leireteknikker for å kunne lage funksjonell eller kunstnerisk arbeid. Dette kan spenne alt i fra hverdagsgjenstander, fliser, kopper og karr, mugger og tallerkener, til rent skulpturelle former. Erfarne få mulighet å jobbe/ videreutvikle sine freidigheter.

Kroloftet • Arnljot Gellines vei 41, Oslo, Norge

Google Map of Arnljot Gellines vei 41, Oslo, Norge

Foreningen Kroloftet
