KINO Z EKONOMISTI / 3. december / Kino Bežigrad

Tuesday 3. December at 20:00 - 22:00

Kino Bežigrad • Linhartova cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Online ticket sales has ended.

Drage ekonomistke in ekonomisti,

praznični december je čas za božične filmske klasike, zato se v torek, 3. decembra, z začetkom ob 20. uri, dobimo v Kinu Bežigrad, ko se bomo skupaj za trenutek vrnili v otroštvo in si ogledali Sam doma 1!

KDAJ? Torek, 3. december, ob 20.00
KJE? Kino Bežigrad (Linhartova cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana)
FILM? Sam doma 1 (film bo predvajan v angleškem jeziku s slovenskimi podnapisi)
CENA? 3€ (porcija kokic je vključena v ceno)

Prevzem vstopnic je možen na tej povezavi!

"There are 15 people in this house and you're the only one who has to make trouble." - Kate McCallister

Se vidimo!

Dear economists,

The festive month of December is the time for Christmas movie classics, so on Tuesday, December 3rd, starting at 20:00, let's gather at the Kino Bežigrad, where we will go back to our childhood and watch Home Alone 1!

WHEN? Tuesday, December 3rd, at 20:00
WHERE? Kino Bežigrad (Linhartova cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana)
MOVIE? Home Alone 1 (the movie will be screened in English language with Slovenian subtitles)
PRICE? 3€ (a portion of popcorn is included in the price)

Tickets can be collected via this link!

"There are 15 people in this house and you're the only one who has to make trouble." - Kate McCallister

See you!

Kino Bežigrad • Linhartova cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Google Map of Linhartova cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Povezani EF