Green Future for EU Businesses

Teisipäev, 15. november 2022 kell 11:00 - 17:00

Erinevate Tubade Klubi • Erinevate Tubade Klubi, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

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I bet you’re a person with an entrepreneurial mindset who either has taken steps to revamp your business into a greener direction or you’re just curious about the possibilities - then this event is crafted just for you. During the conference we will be discussing how to step up your business game. Whether it’s green investment loans, carbon offsetting options or how not to fall into the haze of greenwashing.

The day will be filled with discussions with industry experts who will cover the topics of legislation, opportunities and how to overcome the obstacles currently holding back the green revolution of businesses.

Event schedule and panelists will be announced soon!

Erinevate Tubade Klubi, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Erinevate Tubade Klubi, 10412 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

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