Gamification Workshop - Kalev Kärpuk

Kolmapäev, 5. juuni 2019 kell 08:45 - 17:00


The price includes all of the materials, coffee, snacks and lunch. In addition Kalev's book on logical puzzles "Miks päike tõuseb põhjast?"

08:45 - 09 : 00 Gathering. Morning coffee

09:00 - 10:30 - Explain the concept of gamification. Look at the most important game elements and mechanics and explain what is their purpose.

Look more closely at the most in-depth research on gamification - "Do badges increase user activity? A field experiment on effects of gamification" ( J.Hamari 2017)

Read more about the research here:
10:30 - 10:45 - Break

10:45 - 13:00- Use what we learned to turn a boring game into an engaging and exciting one. Analyze exactly what were the differences and how can we use the same techniques on your service/product/marketing campaign.

13:00 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30- 15:30 What is loss aversion and endowed progress and how can we use them to keep our users engaged. Modifying existing solutions with those techniques.

15:30 - 15:45 - Break

15:45-17:00 - Tying all together. How to validate whether our solution would work. Applying everything we learned on participants real life challenges.

Ülemiste Technopol, ruum Stockholm • Lõõtsa 6, Eesti

Kõik piletid on hetkel välja müüdud.

More information:

Ülemiste Technopol, ruum Stockholm • Lõõtsa 6, Eesti

Google Map of Lõõtsa 6, Eesti

Kalev Kärpuk