Montag 17. Juni 2024, 17:00 - 18:00 CET
The Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland (CCFS) is pleased to invite you to the next Chamber webinar;
New CCFS Members Introduction Webinar.
Monday 17th of June 2024 from 17.00 CET
In this webinar, we will introduce new members and share information about upcoming events and projects. In the future, we want to ensure that you are up to date with all the activities of our association and have the opportunity to participate.
New members Introducing themselves: (not inclusive list)
Aku Tehikoski (Young Hub)
Helka Mäki Taukonautti Oy
Oskari Paavola (Young Hub)
Sina Ghazi Innovategy Oy
Xenia Haab Wild Whispers,/Nordic Whisper Inhaberin
Päivi Juujärvi Happy Olive OY
Jussi Ikkelä EXIM Service Europe Oy
Zoom link: You will receive Zoom link once registered.
Further questions or enquiries
[email protected]